ChipSeq Analysis

Statistical plots

The following graph shows 3 statistical results regarding the called peaks:

  1. number of peaks vs cutoff p value (log scale)
  2. scatter plot of log-pvalue vs log-fold change
  3. boxplot of log-pvalues

Stat Diagram

Peak Categories

The following pie chart shows the distribution of peak categories, by location. Gene desert means at least 1E6 bp away from any beginning or end of annotated genomic object. Gap means within 5k bp distance of known gaps such as centromeres. Promoter is -5k to +500.

Stat Diagram

List of genes with peaks in promoter

Promoter Hits (genes)

Data table

Enriched Peaks (Annotated)

Z-Score distribution for repeats

Boxplot of -zscores by scanning the peaks with kinds of repetitive elements, organized by class or family. More dots in the greater values regime means more significant peaks containing the element type.


List of repetitive elements by their mean log-pvalue of enriched peaks

Enriched Repeats (Zscore aggregates)

Peak distribution by chromosomes


Enrichment results are derived from promoter hits (data tab).

Enriched Pathways

Enriched TFs

FPKM Dataset

Differential Expression Analysis